COMEBUYTEA has had the grand opening of its brand new store in Melbourne Central, Australia! We have taken the shell of an empty storefront and transformed it into a beautiful space filled with materials and equipment shipped all the way from Taiwan…
Through numerous design modifications and construction challenges, we learned, improved, and overcame all obstacles culminating in a perfect and beautiful opening!
COMEBUYTEA is simply giving customers what they deserve: fresh, ground-to-order tea, carefully selected high-quality ingredients, and a warm, fun and comfortable space to enjoy them in.
Every customer can enjoy the same high-quality tea and ingredients enjoyed by COMEBUYTEA customers in Taiwan, while experiencing the most authentic taste.
We thank each customer who waited patiently in line for a cup of our carefully crafted tea.
We will continue to work hard to make this store even better. Soon, COMEBUYTEA will be present in all major cities throughout Australia, allowing more people to share in a high-quality tea drinking experience.
We are grateful to our strong team in Taiwan, to our young and energetic staff in Australia, and to the customers who have supported us in our effort to provide the most exquisite tasting tea. Thank you for joining us and helping us to achieve our dreams.
We sincerely hope that every customer who visits the COMEBUYTEA store in Melbourne Central feels our passion and dedication while exploring a new tea experience and the comfort of the space. Let us chase our dreams together!
COMEBUYTEA 在澳洲墨爾本中心商場開幕了!從空曠的店面到滿滿的建材,各種運自台灣的設備、原物料….
COMEBUYTEA 只是還給消費者原本就該擁有的,無論是新鮮、現磨現萃的茶,精選高品質的材料,與一個年輕、溫暖、有趣又舒適的空間。
每一位顧客都能享受跟台灣 COMEBUYTEA 一樣高品質的茶和配料,感受最真實的味道。
我們會不斷努力,把這家店做得更好。很快的將COMEBUYTEA 帶進澳洲各個主要城市,讓更多人感受我們的真誠和品質。
真心希望每位來到 COMEBUYTEA 墨爾本中心商場店的顧客,都能感受到我們的熱情和誠意,享受探索的樂趣和舒適的空間,讓我們一同築夢、圓夢!